Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baby Showers!

The Pregnant belly Cake! This is one of my favorite cakes! Its just so funny! No I did not come up with this cake idea.. Alex had made one previously. A lady in my ward was having a baby shower for her little baby boy. I made the cake for the shower.                            
                                                    Here it is from a different angle.
 This owl was for a little baby girl shower. I had made my first owl cake for my nieces 1st birthday back in March. I don't have a picture of it on my computer but this one turned out better. My aunt Laura had told a friend of a friend about the previous Owl cake I had made and someone wanted to buy one from me! It was so exciting.. I sold my first Cake!
 Side View
 Every little feather had detail.. My hubby Matt thought we should add to. He actually took over all the detail work :)
I thought it was so cute that he wanted to help me!

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